Christa Petroff-Bohne (*1934) – an exhibition and a book
by: Prof. Dr. Jörg PetruschatThe designer Christa Petroff-Bohne (*1934) – an exhibition and a book
The work of Christa Petroff-Bohne as a designer is characterized by three large working areas:
1. designs and experiments for industrial production,
2. designs and experiments for the small series,
3. the development of an independent basic design course
Her oeuvre and more than forty-five years of work as a university lecturer make her one of the most important German designers and university lecturers of the second half of the 20th century.
In addition to presenting her works and their immense impact on everyday culture in the 1950s and 1960s, the exhibition and book also focus on the reconstruction of her extraordinary work in basic design courses.
The exhibition will open in April 2019 at the Pillnitz Castle Museum of Decorative Arts in Dresden. The book will be published in conjunction with the exhibition.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Petruschat
1958 born in Berlin, studies in aesthetics, cultural sciences, history of art, design and urbanism at Humboldt University Berlin, 1991 to 2008 Chief Editor of »Form+Zweck. Zeitschrift für Gestaltung«. 1998 to 2014 Professor for Theory of Culture and Civilization and also for History of Gestaltung at Design Faculty, University of Applied Sciences in Dresden. Since 2014 Professor for Theory and History of Design at Weißensee University of Arts (Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin), since 2016 Prorector for University Structure and Perspective, initiator of the research group »Forschungskreis«; research topics: the coherence between design and growth, ability to design (Gestaltung), its cognitive function, digital material.