
by: Anika Schultz


In the research project Empathy, Anika designs and explores patient-oriented clinical tools for long-term data collection to support chronically ill patients with tangible information during therapy. With these tools patients capture relevant data such as quality of life, pain experience, and distress. The goal was to provide the patient a variety of means of expression and to support a structured review of the illness experience by the patient and in doctor‘s consultations. Furthermore, she investigates the potentially added value through a digital development based on the analog tools. The tools are currently tested and evaluated within a study at the Charité. Design questions that result therefrom are: How well can individualized expression be handled in clinical practice? Do tools for tangible data collection and visualisation support finding a patient narrative?

Anika Schultz studied product design at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, majoring in interaction design. Since 2015, she has been a research associate at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory Image Knowledge Gestaltung at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In her current work, she focuses on the design of communication strategies and tangible interactions in healthcare.